R’ Eliezer mentions that women are especially gifted when it comes to working with wool. In the Mishkan they expressed this talent by spinning and weaving the various panels that made up the structure, and in the Beis Hamikdash they wove the curtains for the gates and the Heychal Building.
A collection of information, sources, and ideas about the design and use of the Second Temple
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Yoma 64a – 66a: The Half-Shekel Donation
Located within the Azarah were thirteen collection boxes, called shofaros on account of their long, curved necks which resembled a shofar. They were used to collect funds for the following purposes:
Friday, February 16, 2024
The Terry Elan Memorial Lecture 2024: Beis Hamikdash Underground
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Yoma 61b – 63b: The Second Ring
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Yoma 59a – 61a: Purification of the Metzora
When a metzora came to the Beis Hamikdash at the end of his period of tumah, one step in his purification procedure was to immerse in the mikveh located in the Chamber of the Metzoraim.
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Preview of the Terry Elan Memorial Lecture 2024
On Sunday, February 11, 2024, I will be delivering a lecture in memory of my father IYH. The title is Beis Hamikdash Underground: The secret — and not-so-secret — architecture beneath the second Beis Hamikdash
Yoma 56b – 58b: The Amas Hamayim and the Yam Shel Shlomo
On the southwestern corner of the Yesod of
the Outer Mizbeyach were two round depressions with small holes at the bottom that served
as drains. These two drains were situated diagonally opposite each other, with one to the southeast and the other to the northwest of that corner
(see illustration). After the zerikah was completed, the blood which remained in the mizrak was
poured onto the Yesod. Certain korbanos (including some of the Yom Kippur korbanos) had their
leftover blood poured onto the western portion
of the Yesod where a small lip along this edge
of the Yesod directed the blood into the northwestern drain. Other offerings had their blood
poured onto the southern part of the Yesod and
this blood flowed into the southeastern drain.