The Gemara states that the kerashim (wall beams) of the Mishkan will remain “standing forever.” This fits nicely with the account in Sotah 9a where we learn that the Mishkan components were hidden away when the First Beis Hamikdash was built. According to one approach, these components were stored in the upper level of the Heychal.
Above the Kodesh and Kodesh Hakodashim was the upper level of the Heychal. All the dimensions of this level — height, width, and length — matched those of the first level. The interior was similarly decorated with gold plating and this level had windows corresponding to those of the lower level. The only way to reach the upper level was via a door in its southern wall that was accessed by a ramp along the southern side of the building (see illustration).
Two curtains hung across the space of the amah traksin in the upper level to divide the area above the Kodesh from the area above the Kodesh Hakodashim. In addition, blocks of wood protruded from the northern and southern walls to further mark this boundary.
In the floor of the upper level above the Kodesh Hakodashim were access hatches, spaced an arm’s reach apart, around the perimeter of the room. When repair work had to be done in the Kodesh Hakodashim, workers would be lowered down through these openings in three-sided boxes so that they would not be able to see any more of the Kodesh Hakodashim than they had to for their work. These openings were covered when not in use, both for safety purposes and to prevent workers in the upper level from peering down into the Kodesh Hakodashim.
Now, the Gemara in Sotah 9a itself states that the Mishkan components were hidden away in the tunnels beneath the Beis Hamikdash. It is possible that these components were initially stored in the upper level of the Heychal but when the destruction became imminent they were moved to a more secure location in the underground tunnels, just as was done with the Aron.
It's likely that both are true; most parts of the mishkan would fit in the tight spaces en route to the upper kodesh, but others--the Mizbeach in particular--would be too large.
ReplyDeleteWhen the Third Bais HaMikdash arrives, what's going to be with the Mishkan? Another question regarding the Third Bais HaMikdash is while the place for slaughtering Kodshei Kodoshim is specified in Sefer Yechezkel HaNavi, there is no mention of where Kodshei Kalim will be slaughtered. A thought came to mind that if they erect the Mishkah in the Ezras Nashim, then they may be able to use it to fulfill Pesach Ohel Moed and then extend Kedushas Azara there to enable Shechita. This is pretty far-fetched but would make a great IYun activity. Keep up your AWESOME avodah, R Elan!
ReplyDeleteI recommend you take a look at Masseches Keilim (the midrash, not the mishna); it begins by saying "אלו הם כלים המקודשים והגנוזים כשחרב ביהמ״ק..." and lists the Mishkan's keilim among numerous others. It ends with "שלא יגלו הכלים עד שיקום דוד בן דוד וימסרו בידו כלי כסף וכלי זהב שהטמינו בשעה שיתקבצו גליותיהם של ישראל מארבע רוחות העולם..." In other words it seems that they were hidden. I suppose they'll be placed in storage just like in the First Beis HaMikdash.
ReplyDeleteIn terms of your second question, why can't Kodshim Kalim be shechted anywhere in the Azara in the Third just like in the previous two? The perplexing question is how Kodshim Kodshim could be shechted in the Northern gate of the future Azara, even though there's no line of site to the Heichal, and possibly even the Mizbeiach if the Butchering chamber blocks it (depending on it's location/size).